The Short Why
Woah, you really want to know. Alright, I want this to feel right for you; I want you to be convinced, so I'll tell you why: you should help because we are all implicated if we allow each other to stay behind, to struggle, or to be treated unkindly and unfairly; an absence of compassionate action propagates inequity. When need is unstaffed, communities stagger and stumble to get their basic needs met -- their interpreter services, their healthcare, their education, their childcare, and more. We want to do better for the communities that may be in need: the immigrants, the functionally limited, the refugees, the elderly, the handicapped, the impoverished, the unhoused, etc. Our overarching goal is to help individuals and families access resources, either by providing them ourselves, or by bridging the gap between them and the resources available. We want to create a space where refugees and immigrants can find refuge. Your gift (in any form -- art work for the office, masks, money, thank you notes, winter clothes, etc) will help us help underprivileged clients get their needs met. Your gift will make our goal more achievable: some people have things extra hard, and we want to make things at least a little bit easier.
If you're still not convinced that you should help in any way, but you really want to be convinced, email Eman at
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+1 (207)-245-5861